Sunday, September 30, 2007

Williamsburg Scottish Festival

Yesterday, I attended the Williamsburg Scottish Festival. It was a beautiful day. My Dad, sister Denise and her friend Lillie came to see there from Chesapeake.

I think the girls wanted to listen to the band Albannach and enjoy a beer. Neither was to Dad's taste. Lillie was enthralled with the historian, David Ross and got his photo. [I didn't so perhaps Lillie will share it for a later posting.]

I found Melissa Lukan and her husband of the Fredericksburg Scottish Society at the Clan Morrison tent. I also found Jerry of the forum XMarks the

I enjoyed my visit the day before to Colonial Williamsburg and Jamestown fort.

Wearing my kilt on Friday, I received many questions from the other tourists and requests to be photographed with them. This young lady is from Oman. She stopped me and asked if I would take a picture. I thought she wanted me to photopgraph, her and her friend. No, she wanted a picture of me with her and she would return to the compliment to me.